Sudo./ After some time it will finish installing and ask for any key be pressed. Now run these codes in terminal: cd ~/Downloads change the directory path accordingly if you extracted the archive in another directory other than /home/user/Downloads. Now extract it on your Downloads folder (or anywhere else). Open the archive with archive manager (double click on the file). Then open the modem directory (it is mounted as a CD ROM).
If not then install it from synaptic/software manager. Installing in Linux Mint 32bit/64bit & Ubuntu 32bit: First check if ia32-libs are installed (open software manager and search for it) if you have a 64bit system.
Follow To install Teletalk Flash modem software in Linux Mint or Ubuntu follow the instructions below: #1. Written by: Score: -1 votes: 6 Format: Article Installing Teletalk Flash Modem in Linux Mint/Ubuntu This tutorial is mainly written for Bangladeshi people The following method will not work in LM 18/Ubuntu 16.04 or later. › ∎∎∎ Teletalk 3g Flash Modem Software Download ∎∎∎